How Faiz Hameed Earned 30 Billion Rupees As An Underworld Don


    LAHORE: Senior anchorperson and analyst Hamid Mir has claimed that General Faiz Hameed operated not as the head of an intelligence agency from 2019 to 2021, but more like an underworld don. During this time, he amassed a fortune, investing 30 billion rupees in various projects. The details of these investments were uncovered from his personal diary. In his latest writing, Hamid Mir states that while we’ve heard many shocking stories of corruption by politicians, we are now hearing stories of a man who was both feared and revered by these very politicians for years—Faiz Hameed.

    Mir explains that while he thought he knew a lot about Faiz, after listening to a conversation among three prominent figures at a friend’s house, he realized there were deeper layers to uncover. During this gathering, a businessman recounted his personal experience. In 2021, a false case was fabricated against him, and Faiz Hameed personally called him, stating that one of his officers would contact him, advising him to cooperate. The businessman received a call from one of Faiz’s subordinates, who demanded that he arrange 5 billion rupees in cash.

    Mir shares that after hearing several similar accounts, he asked where Faiz kept such large sums of money. One of the guests revealed that Faiz meticulously recorded everything in a diary. He would hand over large amounts to his business partners, who would invest the money in various housing schemes and other ventures. According to the diary, Faiz had invested 30 billion rupees in different projects. Interestingly, none of this money was transferred through banks, nor were there any written agreements. One of Faiz’s business partners now wants him to be punished so severely that he won’t be able to claim his billions for the next 10 to 15 years.

    Faiz Hameed Prevented the Foreign Funding Case Against Imran Khan

    According to Hamid Mir, witnesses to Faiz’s corruption also shared that when General Qamar Javed Bajwa was appointed Army Chief in November 2016, thanks to former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Faiz Hameed became DG Counter Intelligence at ISI in January 2017, following a recommendation by Bajwa’s father-in-law, Ejaz Amjad. Bajwa used Faiz for political maneuvering and to advance his own personal interests. Faiz not only understood the reality of his boss but also discovered the weaknesses of many politicians, whom he found easy to manipulate behind closed doors. Together, Bajwa and Faiz conspired to remove Nawaz Sharif from office. Initially, they aimed to make Shehbaz Sharif Prime Minister, but when Shehbaz refused to be used by them, they reluctantly decided to back Imran Khan, intending to use him to pave the way for a presidential system in the country.

    Mir notes that the biggest witnesses to Bajwa and Faiz’s political interference and blackmail are Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and former President Asif Ali Zardari. When Bajwa was Army Chief and Faiz was DG ISI, Mir began publicly claiming that the two had offered Shehbaz the Prime Ministership before the 2018 elections. Shehbaz faced difficulties due to Mir’s claim but never denied it. Faiz also attempted to exile Zardari on medical grounds, similar to how Nawaz Sharif was sent abroad. When Zardari refused, he was arrested.

    The Creation of BAP to Bring Imran Khan to Power

    Before the 2018 elections, Bajwa and Faiz jointly created the Balochistan Awami Party (BAP), which they filled with politicians under the pretext of national interest. This party won several seats at both the provincial and national levels, helping to make Imran Khan Prime Minister. Though Imran became Prime Minister and publicly praised Bajwa, he privately grew to dislike him.

    Mir recalls that on March 23, 2019, Imran Khan’s government awarded Major General Faiz Hameed the Hilal-e-Imtiaz (Military), signaling that Faiz was poised for a significant future role. After being promoted to Lieutenant General, Faiz only served as Adjutant General for two months before becoming DG ISI. In this role, he used both Bajwa and Imran for his personal gain. On one hand, he helped Bajwa secure an extension to remove senior generals, and on the other, he instigated Imran to fight against the opposition, judiciary, and media. Faiz operated like an underworld don, with his key qualities being lies, deceit, and hypocrisy. He engaged in such actions himself and encouraged others to do the same. He would tell critics of military interference in politics to continue criticizing the army but to befriend him, essentially directing the criticism toward Bajwa and not himself.

    The Downfall of Faiz Hameed

    The most interesting aspect of Faiz’s personality is that by August 2022, he began begging Shehbaz Sharif to appoint him as the next Army Chief, even offering to provide the government with some crucial information against Imran Khan. His sycophancy reached such a low point that all of his past dignity shattered. When he was not appointed Army Chief, he began plotting, a conspiracy that was later exposed by some of PTI’s own leaders, whom Faiz had been blackmailing.

    Hamid Mir concludes by stating that Faiz Hameed was no one’s friend—he was only a friend to himself and money. It won’t be long before more prominent figures reveal his astonishing corruption stories to the world, and Pakistanis will realize that their politicians were nothing compared to this underworld don, who looted even them.

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